Doreen Virtue Daily Oracle Card Readings And Predictions By Astrologer Rohit Anand New Delhi India

Best oracle card reader Shri Rohit anand brings you daily oracle card reading. Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Reading & messages.

daily oracle card reading  free oracle reading about the future tara goddess
This is time for Self Purification : Goddess White Tara.

Goddess White Tara is a a female Buddha and or a Hindu Mother Creator according to ancient belief. The many female faces of the goddess and Mother Creator are represented as various colors of Tara. White Tara especially represents purity, love, maturity, peace and compassion. The eyes on her hands, feet and forehead allow her to be aware of all prayers. She helps and encourages us to live long and peaceful lives with inner and outer cleansing with purification.

White Tara message for you today is of "Sensitivity: “You as a person are becoming increasingly sensitive to things around you. You are advised to avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations, and chemicals in your diet, relationships and work enviornment .”

The Habits, Samskaras, thoughts, emotions and energies are held within our auric fields and need to be periodically cleansed adn purified so we don’t get stuck in a rut and bogged down with all the buildup we see around.

Now you are on the path of spiritual ascension, which calls for your heightened awareness. And with this awareness does new levels of sensitivity to the impure and harsh conditions needs attention and careful ajustments. Your body is a trustworthy instrument of measurement of your tolerance levels around you. You therefore  is advised to Stear clear of that which your body signals you to avoid with regard to above mentioned things. You need to take good care of your body, mind, aura and it shall serve you well in the future!”

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