Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology By Rohit Anand New Delhi India (Uttarashada Nakshatra)

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Uttarashada Nakshatra In Vedic Astrology.

Names start with : Bay, Bo, Ja, Jae.
Symbol Of Constellation: Elephant’s tusk, the planks of a bed – a bed.
Ruling Planet: Sun
Nature: Manushya (human)
Presiding deity: Vishvadevas, the sons of the God dharma.

Uttarashada (1 pada) Sagittarius ( 2 to 4 ) Capricorn

This Nakshatra is ruled by Sun and deity is Lord Ganesh. The Lord Ganesh is The Lord of Beginnings and Remover of Obstacles.

The Symbol of this Nakshatra is Elephants task. The Elephant task is used for many purpose like weapons, ornaments. In mythology the Lord Ganesh used his tusk for own writing purpose, so these Nakshatra people are good writers.
These people are brilliant and they win any battle ( work, competition) and win their victory ( goal).
This Nakshatra is Sattwa- Sattwa- Rajas- Tamas. This is Moksha Nakshatra. These Nakshatra is fixed in nature. The Animal Symbol is Male Mongoose and belong to Warrior Caste.
These Nakshatra people are very brilliant, hard working, pure heart and responsibility in work. These people will tackle everything on their way to victory. These people have courageous and but slightly ego.

( Uttarashada 1 pada - Sagittarius Navashma- Jupiter- Sagittarius) Body/ Mercury
This pada of Nakshatra is all about to take part responsible towards wisdom. The wisdom starts from commination, their education is main source of victory. They will tackle their education by tackle their obstacles latter they make high source and win by it.

( Uttarashada 2 pada - Capricorn Navashma- Saturn Capricorn) Soul/ Ketu
This pada of Nakshatra is all about to take part on responsibility towards a organized work. The work can be slow but responsible but can achieve goal. These people have multiple job done. But there is a some sorrowful emotional nature because of aloneness.

( Uttarashada 3 pada - Aquarius Navashma - Saturn Capricorn) Soul/ Venus
This pada of Nakshatra is all about to take part on responsibility towards a Society with a group of friends. These people help the friends to achieved their goal towards job/ work. These people have happiness and pleasure mind they will sacrifice for spouse/ friends.

( Uttarashada 4 pada - Pisces Navashma- Jupiter Capricorn) Life/ Sun
This pada of the Nakshatra is all about to take responsibility towards spiritual things. These people attend through knowledge of higher value and make target of victory. These people attend the people of some royal world and spread the realm of spiritual knowledge.
This is also another Vishwakarma Nakshatra.

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