Taurus Women Zodiac Astrology Taurus Girl Personality Traits Nature Love Life Marriage By Rohit Anand at Divyatattva New Delhi India

Here we give some of the personality traits, nature, description of a Taurus zodiac sign women according to vedic astrology by Shri Rohit Anand at Divyatattva, New Delhi, India.


Taurean women, taurus girls, tarus women personality, Zodiac women taurus horoscope traits

Taurus Women:

Zodiac Sign : Taurus or Vrishabha Rashi .
Symbol: Bull.
Planet: Venus.
Element : Earth.
Constellation or Nakshatra : 30 degrees and extends up to 59 degrees. Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are three forth of the Krittika Nakshatra, Rohini Nakshatra, Mrigashira Nakshatra.
Sex : Feminine sign, governs throat, and the second house of the horoscope.
Quality : Fixed and Static.

Taurus women are mostly materialistic and ambitious in nature. They are sensitive and seductive as Venus being their planet as ruler. She is mostly polite and soft at heart but if enraged she can be quite a angry bull using her horns to injuries to your ego. Being ambitious they are self reliant and independent to make money to fulfill their good life style needs and comforts.

They can be lazy, stubborn and slow to act as they want to make sure they are on firm footing. they take their own time to commit in love relationships and seeks lots of cuddles, flowers and security in a relationship. Taurean women are dependable and loyal and at the same time caring when they are devoted to husband and family.

They are creative and talented too and pursue their career with focus usually to be secured and not to depend upon any one. Taurus women are patient, slow to react, but if you wont give attention and remain faithful to her, she might disliking you and form her own opinion about you and then it will be difficult to change that.

Taurus women might lack in expressing their emotions as they can be introverts and then men need to work extra hard to know them and makeup in case she is put off.Although she might like to be a house wife bearing children and raising them full time but she can also work if she is career oriented. She never rushes into a relationship and needs to be comfortable and make sure you are serious and prepared to move ahead to something serious as family man. she can have a strong libido but you need to to be exciting and be patient with her as she needs to gather her confidence before she charges like bull in the bed. She would also like a soft romantic enviorment to make her cozy and comfortable to be seductive or sensual with you.

She is not afraid to go or do whatever she wants in life and wont like to be dictated although she would give you a hearing. She is supportive, loving and devoted if she find you loyal enough and caring about her needs.Court her and impress her with that you are worthy of her and she would be yours for life.

Now you can get your personal horoscope analyzed for the right women in your life, get love reports, find right compatible love partner, order marriage match making report by Shri Rohit Anand Ji, India's best vedic astrologers in New Delhi, India.

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