World Prophecies Horoscope Predictions Online 2017 & Beyond By Psychic India Astrologer Rohit Anand

World predictions, prophecies, divination, horoscopes, vedic astrology
Divyatattva brings you some of the most accurate world future predictions and readings by one of the best India astrologers of our times, Shri Rohit Anand who is not only a great yoga master but also a occultist and expert vedic astrologer with certification from India's top institutes.

  • India will become superpower by the year 2035.
  • Pakistan will be overtaken by Islamic Jihadis and terrorists which will be supported by china. 
  • There will be more and mroe encounters with aliens and UFO around the world.
  • Saudi Arabia, China, Pakistan, North Korea will become the Rogue states of the 21st century with its wrong policies bringing tensions around the world.
  • Humans will reach for Moon, Space and Mars in fast space rockets and space stations.
  • India's economy will become the strongest and fastest growing economy in the world in 2017 and 2018.
  • Space tourism will grow and more and more people from earth will visit space, moon and mars in the future.
  • Congress government will find it difficult to come to power again in India in the center and in various states.
  • Europe will face more terrorist attacks in 2017 and 2018 by Muslims and Islamic jihadis .
    terrorism, jihadis, paksitan future, world psychic predictions
  • India will produce great spiritual giants and gurus that will shake the world.
  • Islam will see its decline and million of Muslims will suffer and meet with self destruction throughout the world.
  • New space technologies will be developed and flying cars will come into existence by 2039.
  • World biggest source of energy will be Solar and Atomic energy in the future.
  • There will be no Nuclear wars in the future by any country as any country who tries to use nuclear weapons will meet with self destruction.
  • Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia will give bad name to Islam and Muslims lifestyle will be banned and discouraged and feel unwelcomed from non Muslims countries all over the world.
  • China will face stagnation in its growth  and unemployment with unrest.
  • Pakistan and India tensions will grow as Pakistan will continue to be a uncivilized jihadi nation sponsoring terrorism throughout the world. 
  • Scientists will find the cure of some of the cancers and AIDS in the future by 2039.
  • China will become the biggest creator of regional and world tensions with encroaching upon other country territory.
  • Donald Trump will bring much disgrace and embarrassment for USA.
  • China will colonize smaller and weak nations by luring them into debt trap and with threats . Negatively affected nations would be Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Tibet, Thailand, Mongolia, Taiwan, North Korea.
  • Pakistan will move towards economic collapse, loan defaults, barbarism.
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