World Psychic Predictions and Prophecies made in 2016 By Astrologer Rohit Anand

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World Psychic and Astrology World Predictions made in 2016 by Shri Rohit Anand. ( Vedic Astrologer, Occultist, Tantric and Yoga Master)

* Pakistan will become the biggest terrorist state in the world and its citizens will be threat to world peace in 2017 and 2018.

*  Fossil fuels will start to become redundant and by 2040 AD and new generation fuels of Solar energy, Atomic Fuels, Hydrogen Fuels will become popular in the future.

* China will never be a economic or superpower in the future and its policies will create tensions and disturb the world peace creating much enemies.

* BJP and Congress will loose some of the elections in local bodies and states in India. But Hindus Shall Rise with great awakening.

* India will demand its territory of Aksai Chin illegally occupied by China Back

* Artificial intelligence will start penetrate homes, robots, developing human organs, space exploration to military hardware by 2039. Unemployment will increase around the world.

* India will emerge as the great economic power and industrial giant and its sphere of influence will increase in the future.

* New generation weapon systems will be developed by powerful nations like Russia, America, :India, China and military spendings of every country will go up in the future. 

* China, Australia, UK, America will be devastated by floods, land slides, tornadoes, storms in the year 2016 and 2017.

* Popularity of Yoga, Tantra, Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma will increase in the world and India will become the greatest spiritual magnet through out the world.

* Institution of marriage will start to crumble all over the world, divorces and separations will increase and people will live with each other without marriages and beget children.

* Popularity of Islam will decline and muslims will start loosing faith in its own religion. Islamophobia will increase around the world and more and more governments will put restrictions on Muslims and its practices.

* India will be the richest nations of the world by 2049 and world largest economy .

* China and Pakistan will be the biggest proliferator of Nuclear weapons and Missile Technology to rogue regimes and will become biggest nuisance to world peace.

* China will endanger world security and safety by supporting Pakistan, North Korea and  Sudan.

* Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will give bad name to Islam and will bring its destruction with much bloodshed.

* There will be new breakthroughs in medical science and technologies and surgeries performed by robots and with the help of lights and lazers.

* Humans wil reach out to Moon, Mars and space for tourism, exploration, colonization and deploying weapon systems.

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