Astrology India Predictions Horoscope Of India 2017 2018 & Beyond By Rohit Anand at Divyatattva, New Delhi, India

Divyatattva presents some of the most accurate astrological predictions and future events of India in 2017, 2019 and beyond by Shri Rohit Anand Ji.

Astrology horoscope predictions of India, future events India, Divyatattva

Indian Astrology, Future of India, Forecasts about India and Horoscope Predictions of India 2017 and beyond.

  • India's economy will do well in 2nd half of 2017 and in 2018 when its GDP will rise.
  • There will be terrorists attacks, subversion and bombings on India by Pakistan based terrorists groups in 2017. 
  • India will become the strongest nations in the world with its power of influence increasing all over the world Economically, spiritually and militarily. 
  • Bollywood will do record business and give biggest hits to Indian film industry.
  • People of India will loose faith in police and judiciary.
  • India will make huge strides in weapons and defence manufacturing with newer missiles and space technologies.
  • India will become superpower by 2035.
  • India will be rattled with earthquakes and floods in 2017 and 2018.
  • Corrupt and criminals will suffer as law will become tougher.
  • Tensions with Pakistan and China shall rise in the future.
  • China will continue to support Pakistani terrorists against India and shall try to turn its neighbours against it.
  • India will develop space weapons and will make new strides in space exploration and expeditions to mars and moon.
  • America and India will jointly develop and enter into new alliances in space, defence and economy.
  • It will be difficult for Indian National Congress to come to power again and the party shall weaken further.
  • BJP national party will try its best to influence people to its fold with its false propaganda by media and win few elections.
  • Unemployment and job loss shall increase in 2017 in India which will be hidden by the ruling govt.
  • India's support to Balochistan will continue and Pakistan will weaken further.
  • Faster mode of transport will be introduced more and more in India.
  • Death due to Cancer and diabetes shall increase in the country.
  • Yoga, Ayurveda and Homeopathy will become popular more among the masses. 
  • It will become the biggest magnetic centre for science and technology after 2025. 
  • Divorces, Separations and cases of adultry will rise in India. 
  • It shall see its great rise spiritually, militarily and economically.
  • Pakistan will continue to incite violence and Islamic terrorists violence and bombings in Kashmir leading to loss of lives and property of people.
  • There will be NO Kalki avatar in the future. 
  • Lawlessness and crime will increase in India with rise of rape and eve teasing cases in 2017 and 2018.
  • Indian poor people and middle class will suffer the most under BJP rule in 2017 and 2018.
  • China will prepare for war with India secretly.
  • India's economy will become fastest growing economy by 2018.
  • Sanatana Dharma will spread around the world and awakening .
  • India will develop Anti Satellite weapons into the spare orbit by 2020. 
  • India will make great scientific advancement for space technologies and in developing new weapon systems.
  • Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra will spread throughout the world from India.
  • Great Aryan race of India - the Hindus shall rise in its stature, intelligence, spirituality, genius, space technologies and scientific innovations in the future.
  • More and more Muslims of India will leave Islam considering it as "NO RELIGION" as awareness shall dawn. 
  • AAP political party of India will continue its winning streak in Indian elections. It will win few of the state elections in different states and will be in majority.
  • BJP will loose some of the state elections due to poor governance in cormprations and states without getting majority.

Now get your own horoscope guidance, zodiac astrology predictions, love reports, marriage match making, tarot card readings by India's top astrologers at Divya tattva, New Delhi, India.

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