Remedies In Vedic Astrology Planets Gemstones Cure For Weak Planets By Shri Rohit Anand at New Delhi India

Divyatattva remedies for afflicted and weak planets in vedic astrology by Shri Rohit Anand. ( India's top Psychic Vedic Astrologer). Here is the chart and list of Gemstones to be worn for weak or afflicted planets.


Planets gemstones, horoscope semi precious stones, planets and remedies in astrology

These are some of the best gemstones that can be worn by the native in case of weak planets in a horoscope and reducing the bad effects of them. But these precious stones are to worn when recommended along with its size, make, quality and weight and method of wearing a good astrologer after analyzing your birth chart and dashas or transits.As a word of caution no stones should even be worn by anyone just on the basis of being appearing good,  being ignorant about its effects or a jeweler.

Now you can get your gems report from our esteemed astrologer Shri Rohit Anand Ji as to whoch precious stones, remedies, semi precious stones are good for you as solutions to your problems and bring success by removing obstacles in life.

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