Infidelity Adultery Extra Marital Affairs In Horoscope : Indian Vedic Astrology By Shri Rohit Anand at Divyatattva New Delhi India

Infidelity odiac, Adultery in birth chart, Extra Marital Affairs In Horoscope : Indian Vedic Astrology By Shri Rohit Anand at Divyatattva New Delhi India

Planets in horoscope that causes Adultery, Extra Martial affairs and Infidelity : By Shri Rohit Anand at Divyatattva, New Delhi, India.

Although there are thousands of combinations that can give such situations and problems of infidelity, adultery and extramarital affairs, i will mention or discuss only few of them.

The lords of 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th houses play a pivotal role in determining whether one is a loyal partner or not.

Ramanujcharya, the celebrated author of ‘Bhavarth Ratnakar’ opines that presence of Mercury in the 7th house causes desire to have sex outside marriage. Same is true for Mars and the Sun. He further says that the lords of the 2nd, 7th and 10th houses in the 4th give extra marital sex.

Why should it be so ?

The 4th house represents the general population or people at large. The 10th house is the 7th from the 4th and so represents the sex organs of the masses. 7th house is also the house of one’s own sex organs. The 2nd house is the 11th from 4th and so represents the arms or deliberate action of an individual. The convergence of all these influences gives a desire to unite with the opposite sex from the masses.

‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ another celebrated classic authored by Vyankatesh Sharma goes one step further and says that if even one of the lords of the 2nd, 7th or 10th is in the 4th, it causes extra marital sex.

It says that the lords of Lagna, 2nd and 6th house if connected to malefics give sex outside marriage. Same thing happens if Saturn is placed in the 7th with the 7th lord.

In a horoscope conjunction of Mars as well as Venus or their mutual aspect raises doubts about the character of both the man and women.

Weak Moon in the 7th house with a malefic and the 7th lord in Lagna with a malefic also give infidelity...

When lords of 6, 8 and 9 houses in a horoscope are in conjunction with malefic planets and also be aspected by malefic grahas the wife/Husband of the native will be an adulterous in nature.

Then we got planet Rahu, Mercury, Venus and Mars that plays a major role in forming relationships outside marriage due to sexual reasons or desire to have other men or women in life even in marriage.

Know more about your own married life, love relationships, sexual compatibility, married life compatibility, zodiac predictions from Shri Rohit Anand at Divyatattva.

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